The Yellow House Mock-up Exhibition



Winter exhibition 2021/22:

19 December 2021 - 18 April 2022.

An exhibition of the S AM Swiss Museum of Architecture.

In architecture, a "mock-up" is a 1:1 scale model of a façade or part of a building that is true to the material. It is realised before the actual construction in order to test and demonstrate a design. 

The exhibition taken over by the S AM and now on display at the Gelbes Haus Flims brings together artistic positions and contributions from architectural firms to examine from different angles the role of these simulations in the design process as well as their mysterious appeal. 

The "Archetypes" photo project initiated by photographer David K. Ross includes numerous mock-ups of Swiss buildings that the Canadian has documented since 2016.

S AM's selection of contributions, which includes several offices and institutions - including Manuel Herz, Staufer & Hasler and NEST / Gramazio Kohler - is complemented by the Gelbe Haus Flims with further contributions by Tilla Theus, Valerio Olgiati and the Nova Fundaziun Origen with ETH, Prof. Benjamin Dillenburger and Michael Hansmeyer. 

These mock-ups not only demonstrate complex construction methods, but have also developed an interesting life of their own and tell stories that go far beyond the appearance of a project and its detailed design.

Meeting point

The Yellow House Flims
Via Nova 60
7017 Flims village

More information

Single entry without reduction
CHF 8.00

Persons with a guest card
CHF 6.00 Guest cards are issued to all those staying overnight in Flims, Laax, Falera and Trin.

AHV, IV, students
CHF 5.00

Children up to 16 years
free of charge

By phone: +41(0)81 936 74 14


2 pm - 6 pm


12/19/2021 to 4/18/2022 every Tuesday - Sunday and public holidays.


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